
Trello is where the magic happens

Can an application like Trello change the face of operational workflow in an agency? The answer is yes, and in this article we explain how!

Organizing the work of a team is definitely the first step in having a functional company that can achieve its goals on time. A crucial step that may not be immediate, however. The difficulties can be many, from missed deadlines to misunderstandings of the individual tasks that make up the project.
In an office, workflow can be structured in many steps, involving as many different ways of working as there are heads of team members.

Since we adopted Trello for our team, life in the office is no longer a sequence of panic moments.

What is Trello?

Trello is an easily and intuitively structured work organization tool both in app and online.
Thanks to its instantly understandable graphics, it is possible to have real-time discussion with all team members and more easily achieve set goals.

The functions we love

But how do you organize your work in practice with this life-saving app?
Let’s start from the beginning: the first step is definitely to create the workspace (Workspace) by adding all the members involved in the team.

Once this has been defined, one can begin to actually organize the work, creating worksheets and shared tasks with interested members. By adding the “Calendar” power up, it is possible to contextualize them into a real calendar, which gives the backbone and intuitiveness mentioned in the introduction.

In our specific case, we use the boards to group in one place the graphics and copy of the posts that make up the editorial plan: this saves us valuable time and allows us to find everything we need immediately when we get them approved by clients (who, invited to the board, can always have an eye on the status of the editorial plan) or go to schedule them.

Each tab then can have useful tags to differentiate the type of content produced, such as differentiating it by theme or by social where it will be shared.
Once the task has been completed you can mark it by checking the appropriate section located graphically near the task title. In the calendar, where all the posts are in the form of post-it notes, the title will appear crossed out: this will give a complete and immediate view of how many forms are yet to be completed and how many have been completed.

But this is only one of the possible uses: in fact, workspaces can be created from scratch to organize any type of work or organized according to pre-set checklists (from project management with “basic” tasks already entered to organization for a remote meeting).

For example, if the work to be organized is a remote meeting, Trello will suggest a list of tasks to be completed and customized with the specifications of the actual work. This will make it easier and clearer for those who have to organize and those who have to do the work to understand the steps and timelines to be followed.

Why use it?

To conclude then, why use it? Three reasons that convinced us:

  • is free, with some limitations compared to the premium version but still with all the features we have listed for you;
  • is intuitive, with simple graphics and shortcuts to immediately find the board you use most simply by marking it with a star;
  • simplifies the steps that need to be taken to achieve set goals because it facilitates real-time coordination among various team members.


We are going to finish this month’s posts, click here to start your board!